Why Dating In Nigeria Is The Jungle

If you're a single adult, chances are, you've been in a romantic relationship before. Chances also are, it ended in tears. This is probably why you really cannot disagree with most of what I'm going to say. You've done it to people. People have done it to you. We will all be fine. Ojoro cancel ojoro, abi?
First of all, the average young person in Nigeria is hardened. Is "hardened" really the word I'm looking for? Let's just say we're used to being screwed over. We can take anything, so we'll dish out anything. Let me just state that Nigeria is not even a place for romantic relationships. Traffic, inflation, expensive data, everything will work against you. When you find the love of your life(Good luck with that), the two of you should just sell your kidneys or something and go to Paris or the Maldives or Santorini because Nigeria will most likely kill your love. I mean, imagine loving somebody while abroad breeze is blowing the two of you. Both your heads would be correct.
Disclaimer: Going to the Maldives does not guarantee that your love will work out. So if you want to sell your kidneys, do it for yourself, not for love.
Anyway, since you don't have the balls to sell your kidneys, let's talk about trying to find love in a society where almost everybody is looking to ruin your life.
So I've heard random stories from my friends, from strangers on twitter (I love Twitter. People are always so willing to share stories. It's amazing) and as someone who is a big believer in "Nothing wey person never see", it is extremely hard to surprise me. But once in a while, there is that unbelievable story that leaves my mouth open for seconds, shout out to Lagos men.
If you are actively looking for love right now, odds are you will run mad before you find it. And there are so many risks attached to putting yourself out there.

Ghosting(according to Urban Dictionary): The act of suddenly ceasing all communication with someone the subject is dating, but no longer wishes to date.
In other words, they disappear like Karishika after you have given them your time, energy and might have even named your future children in your head. You don't know what is going on. Dating in Nigeria should be on 1000 ways to die. It's a madhouse out here and not everybody you meet is sane. Know this and know peace.
Sadly, there is really nothing you can do to protect yourself from being ghosted. But you can move on if it happens. That is really the only thing you can do.
A tip: If you feel like you're being ghosted, that is, if you somehow manage to slow time down and watch it happen, ghost back! Ghost times hundred, especially if you are at the stage where you cannot vouch for them, ie give a proper excuse for their behaviour or actually ask them what is going on. Disappear too. Talking stages are already tedious enough. So come correct or don't come at all.

There are situations where somebody that is supposed to love you back does not care about you. You both are together, but they don't give an actual damn. I know it sounds like a very unlikely thing, but I promise you, it is happening. If you do find yourself in this particular situation, I'm begging you in the name of everything, even though I know you people don't hear word, just pack your stuff and go. Trust me, that person is not the only one in the world and I can promise you there is another person just around the corner waiting to also stress the living daylight out of you.

I'm tempted to laugh now. I feel like I don't even have to explain this one much. You know what I'm talking about. Random examples:
-She's your sunshine, you are her Mugu 12.
-He's giving you the same line he gives four other babes.
-You cook soup for him. He and his side chic are eating it and kikiki-ing together while you're texting him "I hope you like the food"
Like I said, you know.
I'd advise you to find your way out, but I know these things are easier said than done. I also know that to an extent, all our heads are not correct. People are hurting us, we are hurting people. Now, none of these stories is even newsworthy anymore. We just chalk it up to the game being the game. I think the worst part is that a lot of us don't even take time to heal from these things. The train has to keep moving, right?
If you are looking for love in Nigeria, good luck. I really hope you find what you are looking for. I hope we all do. But till that happens, let's all be fooling ourselves.


  1. Lmaooooooooooo, 6 months ago I would have been like "yazzzz" preach" ride on" .....but there is that one person (soul mate) you'll meet and he/she will make you a believer once again......question is....Are you willing to be patient?? Or you want to keep seiving through the mud till you hit the gold??🤷...it all boils down to YOU

    1. LOL
      Soulmate bawo?
      I feel you though. But then again, is there really a thing like "the one"? Isn't it just as simple as you were in the right place at the right time and you met someone who has sense? Sometimes you can be as patient as you want and still meet who is ready to disgrace you.

  2. Lol, let's just hope to find that someone that loves us more than we love 'em.

  3. Absolutely hilarious!!!!! You're right though, dating is horrifying today

    1. It really is. But we'll all be alright. Thank you for your feedback

    2. If we all continue looking for a person who loves us more than we love them, we go Waka find love tire oh

  4. This got me laughing hard,there is an element of truth to all you have said. Dating, especially "dating in Nigeria" is a tough job. There are so many things that comes to play,you start reasoning spoil and so on. But the question is are we really gonna be deceiving ourselves all in the name of dating??

    1. LOL. There shouldn't have to be that much deceit, but I guess that's where we're at right now. It looks like you'll have to outsmart everyone and be one step ahead every time so they don't scatter your heart. The game is the game. Good luck on these streets

    2. Exactly,like a game of chess waiting for the other person to show his or her intentions before you totally destroy them

  5. How do I follow and get notifications? I just stumbled on this blog and it's pure fire

    1. Hey, thank you! I'm still working on that feature.

  6. How do I follow and get notifications? I just stumbled on this blog and it's pure fire

    1. For now, you can follow me on Twitter or Instagram @nosazeme. You'll know when a new post is up

  7. You are amazing honestly oh


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