
Welcome to my blog. I'm excited to have you. Thank you for visiting!
For starters, maybe I should share something that has meaning to me.

 I pledge to the power hidden in my true self,

to be independent, unbothered and also worthy,

to serve my own best interests,
to defend my sanity,
and fight for my life and my honour.
So help me God.

Okay, so I just want to talk about regular issues honestly. I want you to understand and feel a bit of a connection to me and to other people who'll read what I write. Maybe we'll build some kind of community. Maybe I'll write stories on here from time to time. So yeah, my name is Nosazemerie Abu, and I'm your Everyday Person.

Random fact about me: Ever since I got on Twitter, I've wanted to change my username to "Iyawo Serenre". But I'm terrified that no one would take me seriously.

Here's a picture of me so you know whose eyes you'll be seeing through whenever you're on here. There's already one on my profile,but I'm vain.


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