Jealous? Here's How to Deal
The country is hard and we're all traumatized low key. I just thought I'd state that as one of the reasons not to waste your emotions on unimportant things. But difficult country or not, these things happen. We're all human. Now I should state that the kind of jealousy I'm offering to help you with has nothing to do with that feeling of anger and bitterness in your chest when you see other people progressing. I can't help you there. I'm not an exorcist, cause what is worrying you is witchcraft and I'm not here for that.
I'm here for lighter issues. You know, like watching the so-called love of your life with yellow girl in mammy market. Sorry, my personal issues are showing. But you get the gist. That's what I'm here for, because frankly, we've all been there...except you're a hot kek and everyone you want, wants you too. If that is you, leave my blog. I hate you.
Anyway, for the mere mortals still here, those of us that are warm keks, used-to-be-hot-keks, straight up cold keks, whatever you are, I'm your go-to girl. I'll be giving you a few tips on overcoming that jealousy that comes with this struggle. Sit tight and keep reading.
1. Don't stare too much because you're not a creep.
I know this sounds pretty basic but I assure you, you need to do everything to take your power back and that includes setting your sights elsewhere literally. You don't want to be that girl in the movies.
Look away, creep.
2. Be bold. Say hi.
If the opportunity comes, introduce yourself. Make them aware of your existence. Say hi. If you're a wimp, please skip this, before you burst into tears in the middle of the introduction and start asking him "What does she have that I don't? Why don't you love me?"
But then again, knock yourself out. What's the point of anything if we don't embarrass ourselves once in a while? Shoot your shot.
3. (Optional) Find a new distraction.Works like magic.
4. When the time comes, be ready to forget and let go because whether you want to believe it or not, that time will come. Don't get too attached.
5. You are a hot kek, no matter who doesn't believe it. So carry yourself with pride. Hold your head high, and no matter what you do, don't you ever forget this: It will end in tears.
(Siri, play Jealous by Fireboy DML)
Good day!
Lol, after jotting things down (in Josh2funny's voice) it all has to end in tears.